An Open Letter to the Scientific Medical Community

On behalf of everyone at Sinequa, we want to thank you for all of your efforts and personal sacrifices to help combat the current global health crisis. We’d like to help.

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Sinequa has dedicated our time and technology to create a scientific research tool called COVID Intelligent Insight. The goal is to help scientific and medical professionals surface insights and analyze information across the many sources of rapidly-evolving scientific research papers and publications so that you can sift through all the content and quickly get to the information you need.

We expect you will find this portal beneficial in its current form – but we also want to continually improve it. We are engineers and technologists – not doctors or scientists – so your input will guide our efforts. We ask you for:

  • Feedback to Improve. We need your expertise to improve this portal and its capabilities. Please email us at
  • Additional Sources. What content would be most valuable to you? We are seeking requests to help prioritize the onboarding of new research.
  • Raising Awareness. Please share this portal with others who will find it useful.

The COVID Intelligent Insight portal is an open, free, and collaborative scientific search portal to gather the most useful and relevant information related to the virus.

The portal includes the largest repository of its kind, with over 70,000 papers, articles, and publications specifically focused on COVID-19 and SARS-CoV2. With new material added daily, sources include the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19), publications from the World Health Organization database, content from Elsevier, and the CDC.

The portal lets you do the following:

  • Quickly find or discover information relevant to your work by intelligently searching the entire text of scientific literature using semantic, clinically-aware terminology
  • Navigate enriched document views to immediately find terms and concepts of interest
  • Analyze information through visualizations and navigate across relevant extracts

Please make use of the portal at and let us know how we can help you in the race to defeat COVID-19.


Alexandre Bilger
Chief Executive Officer – Sinequa