Sinequa Featured in IDC Technology Spotlight Dedicated to Manufacturing Organizations

Constrained by manual processes and lost productivity, AI-powered search platforms are critical for manufacturers to streamline production and decision support.
We are proud to announce that we’ve been featured in a new IDC Technology Spotlight report: Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Through Intelligent Search. The report, written by Jeffrey Hojlo, program director, Product Innovation Strategies and Hayley Sutherland, senior research analyst, AI Software Platforms highlights the importance of how intelligent search — the combination of artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data analytics, and enterprise search — can optimize a manufacturer’s Industry 4.0 strategy.
According to the report and a recent IDC study, knowledge workers in the manufacturing industry remain constrained by manual processes. On average, knowledge workers waste up to 18 hours per week searching for, combining, and reformatting information. This time usage creates the general impression of inefficiency and brands the overall experience of information access as discouraging. Further, the manufacturing company’s yield might be injured, and important business conclusions could be drawn using inadequate information.
With the demand for AI technologies that enable intelligent analytics increasing every year, IDC estimates that enterprise data from things like IoT devices, smart devices, email, metadata and other sources created annually is expected to grow exponentially.
“Sinequa’s platform allows manufacturing companies to streamline procedures and create operational efficiencies that alleviate the major challenges highlighted in this report,” said Scott Parker, director of product marketing at Sinequa. “By offering a broad AI-powered platform including search, content analytics, semantic understanding and auto categorization technologies, Sinequa provides relevant details to users when they need it, while supporting a range of machine learning algorithms and capabilities that improve findability and relevance.”
Harnessing the power of intelligent search, “manufacturing organizations see faster time to decision, better business decisions, and increased employee productivity as the most common benefits,” said Sutherland. “To achieve this, manufacturers should look for tools like Sinequa’s that are contextually aware and semantically savvy, able to analyze and categorize info from across the organization to deliver the most relevant insights.”