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Data Access: Creating Real-Time Insight from Your Vast Data Wealth

Posted by Charlotte Foglia

Data access

It’s no secret that organizations are awash with information. Yet data access issues bedevil business teams, who want to use high quality, accurate, up-to-the-minute information for customer experience initiatives, process optimization, and other digital transformation initiatives.

However, while organizations are creating or capturing information every moment of every day, much of it is trapped in silos, out of reach to business and IT users. For example, business or customer content may be mired in legacy systems or disconnected applications. And structured and unstructured data may be unavailable or difficult to search, given its format, location, or processing technology.

So, what happens when:

  • Your CEO can’t locate the top-level forecasts and historical analysis she needs to prepare for a board of directors meeting?
  • Your marketing team can’t access the insights that would enable it to develop better customer personas and campaigns?
  • Your product team places inventory bets on inaccurate content, resulting in out-of-date stocks and discounting?
  • Your supply chain team can’t access the full range of data that would help inform its process optimization efforts?
  • Your customer service team can’t create a 360-degree view of your customers that would enable you to deliver VIP service to your most profitable buyers?
  • Your R&D team can’t access the full range of past research studies that would inform their innovation work and eliminate redundant processes?
  • Your legal team can’t find and review the full range of partnership agreements you have, increasing your vendor risk?
  • Your cross-functional digital transformation team is having difficulty finding internal experts, sharing content, and building on ideas, slowing your progress?

When Just 3% of Your Data Is High-Quality

In addition, data may have quality issues – it may be redundant, incomplete, or inaccurate – making it difficult to use for decision making. A recent Forbes article stated that organizations rated just 3% of their data as “acceptable” in terms of quality.

During 2020, data access issues have worsened, as organizations adopted remote and distributed work models at speed. In a survey Sinequa commissioned this year, 61% of UK enterprise workers reported that it’s harder to find information while working remotely. They said that they spent an average of 44 minutes a day per employee searching for content, because the systems they need are slower to access, informati

Improve Your Data Access Right Now

As you can see from the examples and findings above, the time is now to realize the potential of becoming a data-driven organization.

You can improve your data access quickly by deploying an enterprise search platform that provides powerful, relevant query capabilities, enabling employees to find the content they need and focus on work that matters, like creating new solutions, not searching SharePoint sites for out-of-date documents.

Here’s how a cognitive search platform meets your organization’s needs in this era of constant change, digital processes, and remote work.

  • Access the content you need – Your organization, employees, and customers generate content daily – up to 6.4 zettabytes in 2020, according to IDC. And by 2025, almost 80 percent will be unstructured, which is harder to access and interpret. The Sinequa Insight Engine has more than 200 connectors and converters that recognize more than 350 document formats, enabling you to access and analyze your content, wherever it lives.
  • Interpret results – Accessing more content can result in “noise,” where your users are drowned in a sea of query results that may or may not have relevance to the task at hand. Thus, intelligent search solutions such as the Sinequa Insight Engine leverage natural language processing (NLP) to create clean, enriched information, delivering it in a user-friendly interface. Your users get the results they need, while your organization can use this foundation of clean information to develop better analytics.
  • Scale with growth –You need a solution that can scale with data, user, and business growth. Customers are already using the Sinequa Insight Engine to perform more than 10 million daily queries in usage-intensive environments, searching for insights from more than a billion documents and 10 billion structured records.
  • Get smarter over time – What if your business search engine could be fine-tuned over time, ingesting more data and producing more relevant results? Cognitive search solutions such as the Sinequa Insight Engine use artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve their algorithms, continually improving the relevance and accuracy of results. For example, a global top 20 bank uses Sinequa’s AI-powered search engine to automate the identification and classification of confidential data, while a global technology provider uses it to route complex tickets to the most relevant expert team on its help desk.
  • Protect customer privacy – If you handle customer data, you’d like to protect personally identifiable information (PII) from unauthorized access or exposure, whether you operate in a country covered by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or not. An advanced search engine can automatically recognize PII, enabling your organization to comply with legislation and avoid fines. For example, the Sinequa Insight Engine instantly recognizes 24 different categories of PII, including such data elements as credit card numbers, date of birth, license plates, passport numbers, and more, streamlining regulatory compliance.
  • Keep data secure – Your organization’s content is a valuable source of intellectual property. You’d like to empower users, but also make sure they can’t access resources that aren’t aligned with their roles or information needs. The Sinequa Insight Engine enforces information access controls, so that users only see the information they’re entitled to view.
  • Build a custom use case – Complex industries like financial services, healthcare, government and defense, and manufacturing have unique search needs. Your organization can easily build its own custom AI-powered search applications on top of the Sinequa enterprise search platform using our toolkit. Roll out new use cases, empower new business units, and reap more value from your existing data easily.

If your organization needs to improve its data access and leverage, Sinequa can help. We have a proven solution and deployment process to help you reap near-term value from your business search engine and lay the groundwork for other intelligent search apps that could drive ROI and productivity to new levels.

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