Leverage Search-powered GenAI for Greater Value from the Product Digital Thread

Rapid product development and fast service response are critical to profitability in the manufacturing industry. Engineers, product developers, and technicians need fast access to accurate information to develop and support today’s complex products. But today’s product digital thread data is hard to access, creating inefficiencies, rework, and errors across the product lifecycle.

The systems that make up the product digital thread, which often include one or more PLM systems, are complex and typically disconnected. How can advanced technologies like Search-powered GenAI help manufacturers tap into the product and service intelligence they need to get products to market fast and support them efficiently?

Watch the on-demand webinar with Jim Brown, President of Digital Innovation Research at Tech-Clarity, and Jeff Evernham, Chief Technology Evangelist at Sinequa, to learn:

  • How much time is wasted searching for product data and preparing data for others to do their jobs.
  • Why it’s hard to access digital thread data from today’s multiple Enterprise applications.
  • How GenAI and enterprise search can reduce product development times and improve time to market.
  • How these advanced technologies can unlock service intelligence to improve MRO performance and profitability.