The Onlyness Test
A new way to choose intelligent search and insight engines
Are you considering an enterprise search solution?
Then The Onlyness Test is for you. This decision guide spotlights the essentials needed to select the right solution for what Forrester calls “cognitive search” and Gartner labels “insight engines.” Critical factors include market reputation, platform scalability, and company strength.
We organized this guide around “onlyness” — an emerging concept that describes the state of being the only one in a category. This concept streamlines the enterprise-search decision. With up to 70 enterprise-search vendors to choose from, the decision appears complex. But it doesn’t have to be.
Read The Onlyness Test for (at least) three reasons:
- First, this guide offers a new, simpler way to think about your decision on enterprise search software.
- Second, it helps you make better decisions by finding the enterprise search software that fits your requirements best.
- Third, this guide will save you time. Evaluating many vendors can obscure the solution that truly serves your needs.